Tuesday, May 29, 2007


你看起来不太开心 谁困扰了你
有多严重 你和他之间

我看起来也不太好 我当然知道
你不了解 我和你之间
只是爱上了不爱我 却又在乎的人

应该挑拨你和他 我想这是最好的时机
只是当你哭着说 你好爱他 不忍离开他
应该劝你离开他 可是我却怎么也做不到
因为当你笑着说 我最好了 是你知心朋友
我不敢也没有勇气告诉你 别把我当朋友
想做你的情人 做你的情人


Starry_bright said...

except for the rap part (which is reli reli duo yu), this song quite nice... haha...

sEAsOn_wIntEr said...

i un...
i like this song very*100 much..
this song can make me cry...

Anonymous said...

a few years be4 listen gui...not bad eh song...quite sad eh song...hm....

Starry_bright said...

zhi ke xi the song de mood spoil by the fei fei de rap... reli |||

sEAsOn_wIntEr said...

mel, u wan say how many time that the song got fei fei de rap??

Anonymous said...

oh, is a song lai hior..
i tok wat lai de...

feel tat like is me.. haiz...

Starry_bright said...

mel want to say til the producers, singers, zuo chi, zuo qu, fans etc etc etc all noe! blek........

emin, ni jing ran dunno it's a song? 5566 de... act. u pi yia can hear tiok. the lyrics not bad, but boh kong tiok gua... lol

sEAsOn_wIntEr said...

emin, yuan lai u dunno that is a lyriks lai de ar?